Nanoflowcell Announces U.S. Launch and Seeks Land Acquisition for Quant City Technology Hub

Press Release
Nanoflowcell Announces U.S. Launch and Seeks Land Acquisition for Quant City Technology Hub

New York, NY, May 30, 2024 -- nanoFlowcell USA, LLC is launching Quant City, a visionary project aimed at spearheading advancements in nanoFlowcell technology, innovation, and research. nanoFlowcell USA, LLC is thrilled to announce the official launch of Quant City in the United States.  With a focus on pioneering innovation in automotive, aerospace, electric applications, and robotics industries, nanoFlowcell aims to further advance the development of flow-cell technology.

The launch of Quant City represents an important milestone for nanoFlowcell. At its core, Quant City will serve as a center for nanoFlowcell, fostering innovation and collaboration among leading experts and researchers in the field.  
In order to propel this ambitious vision forward, nanoFlowcell is actively seeking suitable property for the future location of Quant City. The acquisition of the right location is deemed pivotal in laying the foundation for Quant City’s success. The selected property will not only accommodate state-of-the-art research facilities but will also host an educational academy and provide housing accommodations, creating a vibrant and integrated community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technological advancement.  
nanoFlowcell’s commitment to driving innovation at Quant City extends beyond technological advancements. With a focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship, Quant City will prioritize eco-friendly practices and initiatives, setting a new standard for responsible development in the technological sphere.  
As nanoFlowcell prepares to make its mark on the U.S. landscape, the organization invites state governments, landowners, potential partners, and stakeholders to join in shaping the future of technological innovation. Together, we can build a brighter tomorrow, powered by the limitless potential of nanoFlowcell technology.

For more information about nanoFlowcell USA, LLC / Quant City and partnership opportunities, please visit or Email

About Quant City

Quant City is a visionary project dedicated to establishing a central hub for nanoFlowcell technology, innovation, and research. With a focus on pioneering innovation in automotive, aerospace, electric applications, and robotics industries, nanoFlowcell aims to further advance the development of flow cell technology.

Nanoflowcell Announces U.S. Launch and Seeks Land Acquisition for Quant City Technology Hub
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Nanoflowcell Announces U.S. Launch and Seeks Land Acquisition for Quant City Technology Hub
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nanoFlowcell Management AG
T. +41 (44) 586 26 63