nanoFlowcell Management

Board of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc


Executive Board of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc

The Executive Board manages and administers nanoFlowcell Holdings plc and its subsidiaries.

Nunzio La Vecchia
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Nunzio La Vecchia is the inventor of the nanoFlowcell® technology and serves nanoFlowcell Holdings plc as CEO and CTO. After completing his private studies in quantum physics and quantum mechanics, La Vecchia founded his own energy technology research and development company in 1996, which later gave rise to the individual companies of the nanoFlowcell Group.

Headshot Hektor Albert Bertschi
Hektor Albert Bertschi
Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Hektor Bertschi is Managing Director of nanoFlowcell Production GmbH and Chief Operating Officer of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc. Bertschi spent two decades as a member of the executive management of a leading energy group in Switzerland and subsequently worked as a management consultant in the energy sector before joining nanoFlowcell in 2001.


Board of Directors of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc

The organizational structure of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc corresponds to the monistic system of a public limited company; the Board of Directors is responsible for the tasks of a supervisory board, although the executive management is not institutionally separated from the Board of Directors.

Nunzio La Vecchia
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Nunzio La Vecchia is the inventor of the nanoFlowcell technology and serves nanoFlowcell Holdings plc as CEO and CTO. After completing his private studies in quantum physics and quantum mechanics, La Vecchia founded his own energy technology research and development company in 1996, which later gave rise to the individual companies of the nanoFlowcell Group.

Headshot Hektor Albert Bertschi
Hektor Albert Bertschi
Member of the Board of Directors

Hektor Bertschi is Managing Director of nanoFlowcell Production GmbH and Chief Operating Officer of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc. Bertschi spent two decades as a member of the executive management of a leading energy group in Switzerland and subsequently worked as a management consultant in the energy sector before joining nanoFlowcell in 2001.