nanoFlowcell in action – journalists drive QUANT prototypes for First Time

We are at the TCS proving grounds in Hinwil, near Zurich, where the track is dry after the previous day's rain. The weather conditions are ideal for the first test-drive event of the QUANT FE and QUANTiNO 48VOLT, where international media will experience the vehicles firsthand. The event marks an important moment in showcasing the capabilities of these nanoFlowcell-powered electric vehicles.

Revolutionary nanoFlowcell EVs Redefine Performance

nanoFlowcell Holdings hosted a global press event in Switzerland, showcasing the QUANTiNO and QUANT FE. These advanced electric vehicles, powered by nanoFlowcell technology, break conventional EV limitations like low speed, short range, and long charging times. On the TCS circuit in Hinwil, journalists experienced their exceptional range, speed, and practicality, highlighting a major leap forward in electric mobility.

QUANT FE: Proof of viability
QUANT FE: Proof of viability
QUANTiNO 48VOLT: Real-world application
QUANTiNO 48VOLT: Real-world application

nanoFlowcell's Groundbreaking Electric Prototypes with Unmatched Performance

The QUANTiNO 48VOLT and QUANT FE prototypes showcase two unique applications of nanoFlowcell technology. QUANTiNO, designed for everyday use, boasts a 1,000 km range and a top speed of 200 km/h with an innovative low-voltage drive system. The QUANT FE, a high-performance sports car, accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.8 seconds, reaching speeds over 280 km/h using a high-voltage system, highlighting nanoFlowcell's versatility.

QUANTiNO 48VOLT low-voltage system
QUANTiNO 48VOLT low-voltage system

A Sustainable Electric Vehicle Without Batteries

A journalist praised the QUANTiNO, noting it drives like a production electric vehicle. Unlike conventional EVs, the QUANTiNO uses no lithium-ion batteries, rare materials, or non-sustainable energy sources. It's a fully sustainable solution, offering zero-emission driving without the environmental trade-offs of standard EVs.

The QUANTiNO surpasses current EV technology with a range three times greater than the best lithium-ion vehicles. Filled up in the morning, it easily powered through the entire test day, demonstrating its exceptional efficiency.

QUANTiNO 48VOLT environmentally safe and non-toxic
QUANTiNO 48VOLT environmentally safe and non-toxic

After seeing the latest EVs at the Paris Motor Show, many journalists realized that progress in electric mobility has stalled. In contrast, nanoFlowcell technology offers a breakthrough, potentially ending this stagnation with its innovative approach to sustainable, high-performance electric vehicles.

nanoFlowcell® power system in QUANTiNO 48VOLT
nanoFlowcell® power system in QUANTiNO 48VOLT

QUANT Prototypes Exceed High Expectations

Expectations of the QUANTiNO and QUANT FE are running high among the journalists. They are expecting something new, something different, more of everything than perhaps anywhere else. We can tell you this much - nobody was disappointed.

"Even without electric drive, the QUANT FE is an amazing car - all the high-tech in this vehicle, the shutlines and the premium workmanship are so untypical for prototypes. Fantastic!" said one enthusiastic journalist. And that's the problem the QUANT models have to wrestle with as ambassadors for a new kind of energy storage technology: Their avant-garde design distracts from the actual technological innovation of these vehicles - the nanoFlowcell system installed within.

QUANTiNO 48VOLT Innovation You Can See
Seeing the QUANTiNO 48VOLT on the track proves that sustainable electric power is here and now

Unraveling the Science Behind nanoFlowcell

The QUANT FE’s powerful acceleration thrilled test drivers, reinforcing nanoFlowcell technology as a strong alternative for sustainable electric vehicles. Some participants even called it an unrivaled solution for the future of electric mobility, turning the vision of eco-friendly cars into a tangible reality.

Journalists were keen to understand how the nanoFlowcell system works, particularly its performance and the use of bi-ION® electrolyte. Flow cell technology is complex, so a compilation of key questions and answers was provided to clarify its workings.

Experience Innovation Firsthand
QUANT FE - Experience Innovation Firsthand
How can the QUANT FE drive more than 800 km with a battery capacity of 70 kWh and an average consumption of 20 kWh per 100 km?

A flow cell differs from conventional batteries because it separates the energy converter from the storage medium. The cell provides a continuous output of 70 kW, converting chemical energy into electricity as long as the bi-ION® electrolytes flow past the cell membrane. In the QUANT FE, two tanks, each holding 250 liters of positive and negative bi-ION® electrolytes, serve as the energy storage medium, enabling the flow cell to maintain a continuous power supply during operation.

The energy density of bi-ION® in the QUANT FE is 600 Wh per liter, resulting in a total energy capacity of 300 kWh (600 Wh * (2x250 litres). With an average consumption of 20 kWh per 100 kilometers, the QUANT FE theoretically offers a range of 1,500 kilometers. However, in practical use, considering the energy demands of secondary systems, the vehicle's real-world range exceeds 800 kilometres.

Seeing the QUANT FE on the track proves that sustainable electric power is here and now
Seeing the QUANT FE on the track proves that sustainable electric power is here and now
How does the QUANT FE achieve acceleration of 2.8 seconds to 100 km/h and a top speed of 280 km/h? A flow cell cannot supply this kind of power.

In our QUANT FE and QUANTiNO prototypes, the electric motors aren’t powered directly by the nanoFlowcell. Instead, the system feeds electricity to supercapacitors (supercaps), which serve as temporary storage. While supercaps only hold about 10% of the energy density of regular batteries, their power density is up to 100 times greater, enabling rapid charging and discharging for powerful acceleration and high-speed performance. Although the flow cell alone can sustain regular driving, future developments aim to eliminate supercaps by powering the motors directly from the flow cell, reducing both weight and cost.

nanoFlowcell QUANTiNO 48VOLT journalist drive day
QUANTiNO 48VOLT - stirring curiosity
nanoFlowcell QUANT FE + QUANTiNO 48VOLT journalist drive day
The QUANT FE - design details matter
What happens to the electrolyte solution after it has been used to produce electricity and how is the electrolyte solution recharged?

The bi-ION® electrolytes in nanoFlowcell technology are not rechargeable. Once their chemical energy is converted to electricity, they are "spent." In vehicles like the QUANT FE, the system filters out the dissolved salts and electrolytes, while the water is vaporized during driving. The filter, which requires replacement every 10,000 kilometres, can be responsibly disposed of. Refilling the tanks is similar to traditional fueling, offering a quicker alternative to EV charging. Unlike conventional redox fuel cells, the nanoFlowcell is an "open" system, allowing for this unique refueling process.

QUANTiNO 48VOLT - Proof of Innovation on the Road
QUANTiNO 48VOLT - proof of innovation on the road
Isn't the production and distribution of bi-ION complicated?

The production of bi-ION® can be industrialized using complex electrochemical processes and renewable energy sources, making it environmentally responsible. Its decentralized production model allows facilities to utilize renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. bi-ION® is non-toxic, non-flammable, and safe for the environment, with no hazardous waste generated during its production. This makes transport and distribution simple, and bi-ION® can easily be integrated into existing fuel station networks with minor modifications to current pump systems. The process ensures no harmful byproducts, contributing to a sustainable energy future.